Setting Your Goals - Easier Said, Easily Done

The basics of setting a goal is an open secret known by top-caliber athletes, successful businessmen and businesswomen and all types of achievers in all the different fields. The basics of setting goals give you short-term and long-term motivation and focus. They help you set focus on the acquisition of required knowledge and help you to plan and organize your resources and your time so that you can get the best out of your life.

Life is About Choices and the Decisions We Make

Life is like a road. There are long and short roads; smooth and rocky roads; crooked and straight paths. In our life many roads would come our way as we journey through life. There are roads that lead to a life of single blessedness, marriage, and religious vocation. There are also roads that lead to fame and fortune on one hand, or isolation and poverty on the other. There are roads to happiness as there are roads to sadness, roads towards victory and jubilation, and roads leading to defeat and disappointment.

How to manage your phobia

About twenty million US citizens have been diagnosed with various phobias that really aggravate their wellbeing. The most widely spread types of phobias are social and specific phobia. Those who suffer from social phobia have a very hard time while being in various social situations, constantly expecting embarrassment, discomfort or even fear. Specific phobias make the patient extremely anxious when it comes to dealing with a specific object or situation, like flying in aircrafts or dealing with animals. Phobias force people to avoid many activities that in other way would be very pleasant and entertaining, for example flying or climbing, imposing many restrictions on their lifestyles.

What do we know about impotence?

The mechanism of male erection is so sophisticated and complex that there's no big surprise that sometimes it goes not as good as you'd wish to. Still, having problems with getting and keeping a good hard erection form time to time is nothing to worry about, because it happens to all men, and it's not impotence. A cause for concern is the situation when a man is having problems with erection in more than 25% of cases - that is what doctors start to call erectile dysfunction. ED can have various degrees of severity, ranging from ongoing problems with keeping the erection, early ejaculation to being completely unable to get an erection at all. But what is more important is that erectile dysfunction can have various causes, and by knowing which one has influenced impotence in every particular case is the key to treating the condition.

Robbing Peter to pay Paul

One of the fascinations of life is to look at idioms. More often than not, they capture wisdom in just a few brief words. Take the title to this article. Literally, it means you are prepared to commit a crime to pay off a debt but it shows a more general circularity. If you borrowed from Peter to repay Paul, you would still be in debt. You would be no better off. In fact, you might be worse off if Peter charged a higher rate of interest than Paul. Except, there might be times when the robbery brings you out ahead of the game.

Why are we so fat?

Put boldly like this as the title to the article, this is close to being politically incorrect. We are not supposed to talk about people who are overweight. This intrudes into their privacy. We are being discriminatory in some way. Yet, when you come to the hard statistics collected by the federal Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there is absolutely no doubt about the national trend. The CDC has been producing the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys for decades. It's the CDC's way of keeping its finger on the pulse of the average American. The first study was done almost sixty years ago. At that time,

"The Game of Life" Start your own coaching: 7 days program

Have you ever been a coach to a neighborhood team? I know how it feels the first time I've coached a team of seven-year-old soccer kids and how much they can really test my patience, not to mention sanity as they run around kicking the ball like ants to a huge, white crumb. It feels strange at first, having to be stared at by a bunch of kids who they will know that I'm not the one in the field. Sounds wrong in a sense, right? But what is the dead about coaching?

Baldness and your hopes to prevent it

Men are considered the strongest sex. If we mean force and physical power - yes, but if we take a look at men from psychosocial point of view - they are weaker than women. Men have lots of insecurities but they always hide them to seem strong. Should they really do it or should they let the world know it is human not to be steel-like persons.
When we say the word "baldness" the thing that comes to mind is "60 year old man". It isn't clear why we always put this parallel between age and no hair on the head. Men get bald usually after 50 but who would have thought it would be a problem? Women always think that men are pretty comfortable with bald head. Surprisingly it is not true.
There are men usually at young age that shave heads because they feel like doing it. It doesn't always mean they go bald. Of course, there are situations in which men shave heads because bald of their hair is gone so the solutions remains to get rid of all what is left on the head. It is one of the most common types of baldness. Doctors call it pattern baldness. It can have a genetic background that comes with such symptoms as patches on the head and receding hairline.
Women feel attracted to bald men. It is a known fact. They always link baldness with brutality and that definitely turns them on.
Baldness can have various reasons behind itself. It can be of a psychological background as well physical. People that have hair issues always feel insure. It hurts their self-esteem and causes depression. The self-image is ruined and confidence is damage up to the point that some men prefer to stay indoors or put a baseball hat on when they go out.
This is a nice way to cover your problem but this definitely isn't a solution. The solution will include treatment that requires dedication and time.
When you make an appointment with the doctor you usually think his advices and prescriptions will lead to an immediate result. Unfortunately, you can't grow your hair back in one night. There are medications that take time to show results but one should not drop the idea before he have it enough time to prove itself working.
Propecia is the name of the drug that deals with the baldness problems. It usually comes with a prescription and it is brilliant and effective against pattern baldness. The original manufacturers of Propecia are Merck & Co. What the drug usually does it stop the baldness and works towards the hair growth. Usually men are not allergic to Propecia but everybody is individual. If you feel like the medication affects your body or your hair somehow - consider it your possible side-effect.
Just like any other strong medication the pill gas precautions. The baldness remedy is not safe for anyone but men that suffer from baldness. Women and especially pregnant women are forbidden to consume this drug. You should keep your kids away from the pill.
Before the doctor prescribes this medication, you need to go through a good examination. If the specialist decides that this drug is exactly what you need - you will get a prescription that you will be eligible to use in any pharmacy near you. If for some reason your doctor decided that you are better off with another type of treatment - you have to trust his decision. But remember not to take Propecia without doctor's permission.
You are being granted another chance with your hair... will you take it?

Get over pain easily

God wants us to be happy. This is the first thought that should run through our head in the morning when we wake up. We were created to stay content and make others feel the same way if we able to make it happen. But life is difficult enough to always feel like that. For as long as we live we experience various emotions, we feel joy, we feel sadness, we feel bliss and we feel pain. Pain can take various forms. You can hurt your knee and experience pain, you can break-up with your soul mate and experience pain, your head can give you a headache and you might feel the pain in your back. Some of these traumas have a psychological background but the rest are related to health problems. Pain is always the reason to go and see a doctor, miss a day out of working schedule. We are so busy taking care of our life all the time that we forget that life is useless when it only brings you pain. Pain is something we are not able to control. Yes, we can go to see a doctor but this is a so-called "consequence". Will we just go see a doctor on a daily basis just to check ourselves? Probably not.
Pain can take you to hell when it is chronic. Sometimes people wish they were dead or try to suicide as it becomes impossible to handle the pain they experience. That is why so many centuries were spent on developing pain-killers and antibiotics that would ease the pain. Pain can be managed differently - you can apply for herbs to help you, you can take pills prescribed by a doctor, you can use cognitive therapy - there is plenty of variation. But before you actually do something to stop the pain, sit down and analyze. You have to understand where this pain is coming from, what the real reason is and how long you've been involved in this pain-dependence story.
Pain doesn't have to mean you are dying. It can be portrayed as a symptom, as an alarm to inform you something is wrong with your body. If you take the notice and visit the doctor before there are any complications, consider it an easy escape. If you take too much time with it, joking around, thinking it will disappear on its own, don't complain about your severe condition later on. Once it turns into chronic pain, it is very difficult to cope with it on your own.
If you have chronic pain and you feel like the devil has taken the best of use, consider Tramadol. Tramadol is famous for coping with pain and making your body feel relieved. With the help of Tramadol you may feel like you were given a brand new body to wear as it will take your pain away from you step by step. Don't you ever think pain is what we have to feel? Pain is something we don't have to feel therefore we have to take a good care of ourselves. We deserve to be happy; just like God wants us to be.

Making it work is not that hard

Men can't do without sex. They need it to feel good, to work well, and to live happily. For men erectile dysfunction is like an end of the world because that is exactly when they lose their power. But it is not that bad something. Most of the problems can be solved but it takes time and a good advice. Erectile dysfunction can catch you when you least expect it. You don't have to be over 60 for that. Sometimes men experience it in twenties as well as in fifties. Of course, the risk of getting it being 50 years old is much higher but anything can happen to anybody. So we would never recommend anybody to laugh at people's problems as you never know who might be getting these problems next. Erectile dysfunction is inability to maintain an erection during a sexual intercourse. It can have millions of reasons. Don't think it is about age or the fact that you didn't have sex for a long time. No, it can have physical cause as well as physiological. Stress is one of the commonly known causes for erectile dysfunction as well as almost every possible health problem in the world. When your nerves are not right, nothing is right. If you have such symptoms as high blood pressure, diabetes, drug abuse, low testosterone levels, cigarette smoking, alcohol, spinal cord damage, cardiovascular diseases you might easily end up with an erectile dysfunction. Anxiety and depression can bring the body to an unrecognizable state causing it much trouble, so try to avoid any of those if you want to have good sex.
When we think about treatment we can become very skeptic about medication that promises us "back to normal" type of condition. It can happen so that we have high expectations about something but it never actually happens. We get even more depressed and even more sick as it feel like the end of the world. People don't want to be disappointed as they lose faith and when the faith is lost there is no hope for recovery as the brain has to work together with the body sending it positive thoughts.
You probably wonder if there is any way to escape erectile dysfunction. There probably is - such was is lack of stress and depression but who can guarantee this nowadays? Nobody can. And if it did happen to you, please don't panic and don't think there is no way to help yourself with it. There is. The answer is Levitra.
Levitra is a drug that was manufactured to cure erectile dysfunction bringing men the confidence back. This pill is to be taken orally. It usually comes in orange color but the dosage can vary. The dosage is always another topic as drug and treatment are very unique and individual. You have to discuss it with your doctor. This pill starts its' magic within 60 minutes but sometimes it only take 1 minute to see it in action. It is very effective and we hope you feel excited about it as many men around the world have seen a good result with it. We hope it works for you too. Enjoy your sex!

The old ways are the only game in town

This October saw yet another medical device fail in a high-profile clinical trial. Alongside the pharmaceutical industry, manufacturers have been designing devices to help people lose weight. Why? Well, with obesity reaching epidemic proportions around the world, there are millions of people "out there" waiting to buy something that will help them shed unwanted pounds. Everyone wants a quick and easy solution to an age-old problem: how do you lose weight without any change in your lifestyle? Everyone wants to keep on eating without paying the price in extra pounds. Unfortunately, just as there's no sign of a magic bullet drug that will burn away those unwanted pounds, the latest scientific implant has also failed. It has been deja vu all over again. The pre-trial hype claimed this revolutionary device would use technology to suppress appetite. If people do not feel hungry, they will eat less and lose weight. The result? The device proved absolutely safe. Why? Probably because the device had no measurable effect on the bodies of those who tried it out.
This latest failure forces everyone back to the real world. There are no drugs in the development pipeline to save people from themselves. There are no magic machines you can wave over your body or have a surgeon implant. The only way to lose weight is to eat a sensible diet and exercise. The hard rule is that you have to burn more calories than you eat. In the stock exchange, the share price of the latest manufacturer to claim a miracle treatment fell by almost 80% when the news of failure was announced. Reading this, your spirits have also fallen sharply. This is sad news. Indeed, this is why most people fail to lose weight. They get depressed when weight does not fall off. They give up the "unequal struggle" with their waistlines. The necessary lifestyle changes never materialize.
The problem starts when you're young. You're surrounded by unhealthy food and it comes in giant portions. Worse, your parents now have the money to pay for this food. Go back fifty years and there was less money around. Parents struggled to put food on the table. Most people grew up thin. By a curious coincidence, fifty years ago saw the release of phentermine into the weight loss market. This was a revolutionary drug designed to reduce appetite. Now that the world desperately needs a way to help people lose weight, phentermine is still the drug of choice. Except there's just one small problem. All phentermine does is to reduce your appetite. This leaves you with the hard lifting. You still have to change your eating habits and eat smaller portions of healthier food. The most weight will only be lost if you also exercise. The need is still to burn more calories than you eat. If your lifestyle remains the same, you will fail even though the drug has an unbeatable track record - fifty years of safe and effective treatment.

Are appetite suppressants your friends or enemies?

It is hard to give up on good food. And if you think about it - you should not really give up on it. It is wrong to keep yourself away from the things you like unless they harm you and your health. Since the beginning of the 20th century many obesity sufferers have known the other, more pleasant side of the story with food. It happens after most obese adults lost the gained weight, the extra weight that stopped them from living a healthy life. Nowadays, as we find ourselves in the 21st century, the market seems to have attracted more obesity release drugs that are highly popular with the population. They are advertised on TV and in the magazines. Medical practitioners trust them and prescribe them everyday therefore it is easy to believe and expect a good result.
We can on talking about the appetite suppressants for hours as they are working well but we do not have to forget that the consumption of the drug itself is not that great. Every drug consists of various chemical elements. We all know that the impact of chemical substances on our body is rather negative. So before you enter McDonalds for the third time in a row during the day think wisely. Is it really worth it to have a 5 minute pleasure food moment and pay for it with your health later? Think about your body before anything.
Most adults that consume weight loss drugs know that the consultation is inevitable. You might think you know what your doctor will tell you and you are probably right but it is better to check yourself again and know this or that drug is on your list of medication before you make up your mind on your own. Most people that are welcome to take weight loss free pill should have a body mass index above 30. In some particular cases the number can reach 27 but not below that. Usually these special cases include patients that suffer from type-2 diabetes and cardio-vascular diseases caused by high cholesterol. So you should know your body is at risk when you treat it without specialist's permission.
Drugs like Phentermine target the weight loss problem salvation hitting the nervous system and pushing the brain to work together with the body. This is one of the most famous pills in the world and it is recommended by most users that achieved good results with their body. But just like every drug it had side-effects though it can really work magic if taken accurately and seriously by the patient that knows why exactly he is taking this medication.
You can buy Phentermine almost everywhere. It is available in all US states and in the world in general. Weight loss should not be a difficulty or an obstacle for no one. But this drug consumption should not become as obsession either. Everything is good in its right proportions. Your specialists need to examine you every now and then and see the progress. If it doesn't happen, which is almost impossible, you should start a different medication process. If you skipped a dose do not try to male up for it. It is better to miss one than have an overdose that will make the situation worse than ever before. So be wise about anything you do as the drug is only a drug and you work miracle together with it not apart.


Everything that happens to us happens in purpose. And sometimes, one thing leads to another. Instead of locking yourself up in your cage of fears and crying over past heartaches, embarrassment and failures, treat them as your teachers and they will become your tools in both self improvement and success.

Weight loss on weekends

Experiencing floating body weight throughout the day is a common thing as the overall weight depends on hydration level, food intake, physical activity that vary within a certain period of time. And of course, there's a great difference between the level of physical activity and food consumption during the working days and the weekends. If the difference is significant and repeated over a long period of time this may contribute to overweight and obesity tendencies. Still, there isn't much data on how do the weekends affect body weight on a short or long term basis.

Let your weight loss process begin

U.S.A is very familiar with the problem of weight gain. Every fourth person in the country suffers from obesity. Appetite suppressants seem to be the only solution for those that can't control their appetite or have a food disorder. If you desperate to lose weight and you don't want to harm the rest of the body you should know to have a healthy diet and do exercises every single day. But it is only for those who are strong-willed people with the ability to control their habits and actions. For those that don't trust themselves with the right choice when it comes to food control - pills are the only option left.

Weight loss problems start in the brain

Obesity is a widely-popular problem that unites people from different nations and different countries. Over the past decades we have read many articles about this disease and the ways of losing weight without having any further trouble but most of it seemed to be useless as the obesity problem still exists in the world of today. Many doctors prescribe various pills and medications that are meant to hold the food-dependent adults away from it. Some of the obesity sufferers reach the peak of the illness. That is where they should take it as seriously as possible and treat it more as a sickness than a simple food dependency.

When you buy cialis, is this like buying an aphrodisiac?

It's almost impossible to separate sex from psychology. When all is working well, self-esteem and confidence are at high levels. When things are not working so well, this undermines confidence and many feel depressed. If the problems persist, the depression can become severe. There are a range of fancy words that are paraded out at this point: impotence, erectile dysfunction, libido, and so on. The precise details of the physical difficulties also vary.

Strange but true

Over the years, we all grow used to headlines that capture the imagination like, "Sticky Buns kill 31 in China" or "Two British ships collide, one dies". Somehow the English language is capable of creating dramatic images in just a few words, converting a simple story of food poisoning into an epic movie where killer buns rampage through a crowded mall until brought down by Chinese kung fu warriors. But, every now and then, the story is both extraordinary and literally true. "College girl avoids loss of all her limbs".

Power through the people

Have you come across a person who is so naturally friendly that when you put him inside a room of strangers, he'll be friends with almost everyone in no time? We call such a people-person, someone unbelievably nice and charismatic that he can charm anyone into doing anything.

A socially-empowered person achieves so much greatness, basically because of the people that catapult him to success. He earns the trust and all-out support of the people, whom he had helped before. He never runs out of help. He can do anything with the plethora of people behind him. All because he knows he maximizes his social potential!

The Powers of a Positive Attitude

I am going to ask you to something very weird right now. First of all, I want you to listen to your thoughts. Now tell me, what thoughts fill your head? Would you label them as positive, or negative?

Now let's say you are walking down the street with these thoughts. Do you think anyone who would meet you would be able to tell you what’s on your mind?

Your Recommended Daily Allowance for Relaxation

Stress is the curse of living in modern times. Everyone suffers from stress. And the stress we suffer takes a heavy toll on our bodies, emotions and minds.

Feeling stressed out, worn out by fatigue or just simply having a miserable day, the best thing to do is relax.


Pain may sometimes be the reason why people change. Getting flunked grades make us realize that we need to study. Debts remind us of our inability to look for a source of income. Being humiliated gives us the ‘push’ to speak up and fight for ourselves to save our face from the next embarrassments. It may be a bitter experience, a friend’s tragic story, a great movie, or an inspiring book that will help us get up and get just the right amount of motivation we need in order to improve ourselves.

With the countless negativities the world brings about, how do we keep motivated? Try on the tips I prepared from A to Z…

Do Yoda Proud: Meditation 101

Meditation refers to a state where your body and mind are consciously relaxed and focused.  Practitioners of this art report increased awareness, focus, and concentration, as well as a more positive outlook in life.

Meditation is most commonly associated with monks, mystics and other spiritual disciplines.  However, you don’t have to be a monk or mystic to enjoy its benefits.  And you don’t even have to be in a special place to practice it.  You could even try it in your own living room!

How to Become an Ideal Leader

When you are at work, do you get frustrated because things don't seem to be happening the way they’re supposed to be? You see people milling around but nothing gets accomplished. And in the daily hustle and bustle, do you feel that your goals remain just that – goals. Then maybe its time for you to stand up and do something about it.

Most people are content just to stand around listening for orders. And it isn't unusual to adopt a follow-the-leader mentality. But maybe, somewhere inside of you, you feel the desire to make things happen – to be the head, not the tail. Then maybe leadership just suits you fine.

"The Way to Wellness" It's time to start a Healthy life: your 7 days program

How many times have you gone to sleep at night, swearing you'll go to the gym in the morning, and then changing your mind just eight hours later because when you get up, you don't feel like exercising?

While this can happen to the best of us, it doesn't mean you should drop the ball altogether when it comes to staying fit. What people need to realize is that staying active and eating right are critical for long-term health and wellness -- and that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. The more you know about how your body responds to your lifestyle choices, the better you can customize a nutrition and exercise plan that is right for you. When you eat well, increase your level of physical activity, and exercise at the proper intensity, you are informing your body that you want to burn a substantial amount of fuel. This translates to burning fat more efficiently for energy.

5000 Year-Old Medical Secret Unearthed!

When you get sick, you go to the doctor. And the doctor will, of course, prescribe medicines. You will go and buy medicines. You take them, and hopefully, you get well.

This is how the health profession goes on nowadays – a cycle of diagnosis and prescription.

If anyone were to give you herbs for medicine, you would probably say that that person was a quack.

But nowadays, studies are being conducted to see if there are really is any merit to what is called natural medicine.

To Go or Not to Go Herbal, that is the Question…

Many people nowadays are turning to “organics” and “naturals” otherwise known as herbals. The rising popularity of herbal supplements has created a new fad if not a new health lifestyle. But before you join the bandwagon, here are some things you need to know about this mean, “green” dietary supplementing machine.

What is the difference between a drug and a dietary supplement?

Does a Law on Human Attraction Exist?

“Opposites attract” is a law of attraction, at least where electromagnetism is concerned. But are there laws about attraction between two people? “In a world that is full of strangers” as a line in a famous song of the 1980’s goes, is there a clear set of rules that allows two people to fall for each other?

Is attraction a matter of chemistry?